Viewing entries in
Haus Howl


A New Pup In The Ruff Haus Pack

We have a new pup in the Ruff Haus pack - Deborah Gascon, marketing mutt, with plenty of fresh kibble to add to our blog mix. She'll be contributing her insightful observations on everything from animal antics to marketing magic.



KIE Goes Green With Their Reduce-ology Campaign

The good news for our planet, ki-eDocs will eliminate approximately 160,000 paper invoices per year, which is roughly five tons of paper. Five tons of paper is equal to 150, 26-foot tall, 5.5-inch diameter trees. Those 150 trees can absorb up to two tons of carbon dioxide in just one year.



Woofstock 2008

Working on projects that involve animals ranks right up there on the satisfaction scale with fitting into my skinny jeans! Then throw in dogs with jobs, something that just tickles my toes, and I'm as happy as a puppy with two... well you know the rest.