Get Out the Vote For Quigley - LuvGear Photo Contest

Vote for Quigley here:

Recently we entered a photo of our loyal office companion Quigley into LuvGear's Top Dog Photo Contest. We just found out that Quigley made it to the top 10 finalists in his size category! In case you're wondering what the category is, it's "small", but Quigley's personality is surely in the 'HUGE" category.

If Quigley wins, he'll become the face of the LuvGear Alert Technolgy (and what a cute face that will be). Dogs can't sweat easily and cool down quickly in hot weather. This is why LuvGear is promoting their TempAlert technology that alerts dog owners to help prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke. French Bulldogs are prone to over heating and extra care needs to be taken to keep this breed cool in warm weather. For that reason, we think Quigley would be the perfect spokesmodel for this particular product. The voting period ends Monday, July 25th, so don't wait and vote for Quigley today!

Vote for Quigley here: You are allowed to vote for 1 dog per category. The winner in each category will be announced on or about August 1, 2011. We'll keep you posted on Quigley's results and we thank you for your support!
