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Collaborate Online In Real Time

In this business, we sometimes find ourselves going back and forth on project copy revisions on a daily or hourly basis. In a tight deadline situation fast accumulation of revisions could result in a flurry of files with similar names just begging for a mix up. We constantly sniff around the almighty Internet for new products, education, or ways to improve our processes and make life easier for our clients and our work flow. While on a recent search, lo and behold, we found a great FREE tool that makes it super easy to collaborate online. TitanPad is a free online tool that lets multiple people work on one text document simultaneously in real time. The text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing the page sees the same text at all times, allowing for seamless collaboration. It can be used for online conferencing, collaborative writing, file sharing... Well, you get the idea.

You can create a public document - no registration required! - and start writing and editing your collaborative document instantly. If you want some privacy, you can sign up for a free account. You can also share your document with others and when they open it in their browser, they will see the exact same document that you are editing. To further enhance the online collaboration experience, TitanPad provides a chat feature.

The TitanPad's interface is intuitive, uncluttered and easy to use. Every person working on a document is uniquely color-coded, so you can easily see who made any particular change. TitanPad also provides an infinite number of Undos, which will come in handy in case one of your collaborators gets carried away and deletes the best lines you spent all afternoon writing.

You can import and export common document formats such as Word, PDF, Plain text, and HTML. You're also able to save revisions of the document, so you can go back to previous versions. And just when you thought it couldn't get more fun, TitanPad also provides a Time Slider which plays out your document edits in the order they were entered, giving you a quick overview of how your document evolved over time. As you can see, we think this is a great resource that has the potential to help you save a lot of time, improve your communication, and ultimately boost your productivity.